7 DAYS A WEEK -INR 20,000/mo

Theory & Physical Yoga Sessions & Diet

Class Details

Health trouble? Trying to cure it by way of medication?

Therapy yoga might be the answer if medicines haven’t worked! Address your overall health and manage medical concerns more holistically through therapy.

Feel healthy again!

A deep understanding of self-awareness of what’s out of balance and methods to bring it back is the essence of therapeutic yoga. The program is outlined on the three core pillars of BIOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND PSYCHOLOGY from VASHISTH SAMHITA, PATANJALI YOGSUTRA & SWAR VIGYAN

This program takes a patient-centric approach to identifying and CURING THE ROOT CAUSE of the health condition. Interventions during this program are co-managed and co-observed by the patient and the therapist to accelerate the process.

Your body has a tell; you just have to listen, pay attention, observe the signs, and share with us - we will find a way forward!

Start your FREE trial now
Benefits of this class
  • Spondylosis
  • Cervical
  • Acidity
  • Thyroid
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Back Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Vertigo
  • Gastro Issues
  • Migraine
  • Respiratory problems
  • Blood Pressure disorders
  • Female reproductive system issues
  • Infertility
  • Psychological and psychiatric disorders
  • Nervous system disorder
  • Cancer (Oral/Cervical/Breast)
  • Prostate disorder
Diseases are of 2 types
Therapy Yoga Diseases


Adija are psychosomatic ailments - We cure ADIJA disease


ANADIJA are externally caused ailments - We help manage ANADIJA

Yoga helps in curing ADIJA disease while it helps in managing ANADIJA disease. Medical science helps in curing ANADIJA disease while it helps ONLY managing ADIJA disease.

Why our students love THERAPY YOGA & What to expect?

Our students love this program because they have experienced results with simple and hassle-free practices at home. Also, a therapy buddy will hold your hand as you embark on this journey witnessing your high-lows and supporting you through them. Therapy yoga is one of the most fruitful and powerful therapies for curing the most common lifestyle ailments. Various scientific tools, breathing, hands-on healing, food science, and guided meditation techniques are part of the recovery process. To overcome any long-term illness, a level of involvement, self-ownership, and self-awareness is necessary for the patient.

Check Class Schedule & Enrolment Process